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Religion and Politics in International Relations : The Modern Myth by Timothy Fitzgerald book MOBI, DJV


>, Critical analysis of the modern myth of 'religion' and its distinction from 'secular politics' as it appears in recent International Relations literature., Illustrates that the essential distinction between irrational religion and rational secular politics appears as an unquestioned preconception on the basis of which policy is conducted, countries invaded and wars fought. The author demonstrates how a historically contingent discourse has been transformed into a powerful set of global assumptions., There are two notably different images of 'religion' in public discourse One is that religion is essentially peace-loving, non-violent, non-political, concerned with the inner spiritual life and the other world. Religion has nothing to do with power. Religion is kind, gentle, non-political and non-profit-making. Religion is a matter of personal faith and piety, essentially separated from the non-religious rough-and-tumble of practical politics and economics. The other image of religion is that it is essentially barbarous, violent and irrational, a malign agent in the world, causing conflict and mayhem and threatening the essentially peace-loving and reasonable nature of the non-religious secular state., This book illustrates that the essential distinction between irrational religion and rational secular politics appears as an unquestioned preconception on the basis of which policy is conducted, countries invaded and wars fought. Arguing that this rhetorical construction of religion provides the foundation for faith in the rationality of modern liberal capitalism, Fitzgerald demonstrates how a historically contingent discourse has been transformed into a powerful set of global assumptions., This is a critical analysis of the modern myth of 'religion' and its distinction from 'secular politics' as it appears in recent International Relations literature. Scholars in International Relations concerned with religion and its relations to world politics are rhetorically constructing a powerful modern myth. A component of this myth is that religion is inherently violent and irrational unless controlled by the secular state, which is inherently rational and only reluctantly violent. Timothy Fitzgerald discusses how, in this modern myth, 'religion' appears as a force of nature which either assists or threatens the sacred secular order of things, and how religion is portrayed as a kind of universal essence which takes many forms, its recent most dangerous manifestation being 'Islamic terrorism'. This book illustrates that the essential distinction between irrational religion and rational secular politics appears as an unquestioned preconception on the basis of which policy is conducted, countries invaded and wars fought. Arguing that this rhetorical construction of religion provides the foundation for faith in the rationality of modern liberal capitalism, Fitzgerald demonstrates how a historically contingent discourse has been transformed into a powerful set of global assumptions.

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How that happened is the riveting story of Dreamland .With a great reporter's narrative skill and the storytelling ability of a novelist, acclaimed journalist Sam Quinones weaves together two classic tales of capitalism run amok whose unintentional collision has been catastrophic.Now, addiction has devastated Portsmouth, as it has hundreds of small rural towns and suburbs across America--addiction like no other the country has ever faced.In einer dunklen Zeit trifft ein Junge auf sein Schicksal, ein von finsteren Lederdrachen unterworfenes Reich zu befreien.Scouring myth, legend, and history from a female-oriented perspective, she argues that many in the highest echelons of Greek civilization believed non-ordinary conception was the only means possible of bringing forth true leaders, and that special virgin priestesshoods were dedicated to this practice.The emotions that neoclassical tragedy and absolutist historiography sought to elicit were intended above all to be shared, and thus a medium via which political and religious differences could be downplayed or forgotten.Before deciding its future, Americans should understand what this grand yet overlooked institution has accomplished since 1775 and consider what it should and could contribute in the twenty-first century.Communities where heroin had never been seen before have become overrun with it.Now, inRightful Heritage, Brinkley turns his attention to the other indefatigable environmental leader Teddy s distant cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, chronicling his essential yet under-sung legacy as the founder of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and premier protector of America s public lands.Then there is September Rose, the most interesting girl in school, who for some reason doesn t seem to want to be friends with him.With others they communicated by writing on slates, by touching with ghostly hands, by moving furniture (one medium was so popular that his furniture followed him about like a pack of dogs).Middle East over the past four decades from retired army colonel and New York Times bestselling author Andrew J.For some, spiritualism was a comforting means of maintaining contact with loved ones now departed.FDR also had to contend with growing isolationism and anti-Semitism as he tried to influence public opinion.